Brighton, MA Realtors
rock hill residential group
- Office Info:
- Phone: 6176887850
- Fax: 617.787.8819
- Web Site:
- Address:
- 300 Market Street
Brighton, MA 02135
- Mailing Address:
, MA
- Office Manager:
- Peter N. Racheotes
- 617.548.7431
"I highly recommend Peter Racheotes to potential buyers and sellers seeking an experienced and articulate real estate professional. I had the pleasure of working with Peter in both the purchase, sale and rental of a 2 luxury condos and being new to the Boston market, he was instrumental in helping me navigate the process. Not only did Peter assist me with the real estate transactions in a professional manner, but he also took the lead as I was remote and relied on him to keep me informed. Peter has a knack assessing the nuances of the business and he works collaboratively with others to ensure the best possible outcome for his clients. He is highly analytical and he leverages his engineering background in a way that helped me better understand the market.
Charles F. Walker, PE
Founder, Chairman, CEO
Walker Engineering
Dallas, TX
rock hill residential group Listings
45 Murdock Street, Boston, MA 02135
59 Beds/42 Total Baths/29,484 sq ft/Residential Income
MLS #: 73286483
Offered By: Rock Hill Residential Group, Peter Racheotes
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MLS Property Information Network, Inc. data last updated on March 12, 2025 09:02 AM